
Levens Viaduct
Network Rail
GPS MACS have been appointed as marine specialist subcontractor to Story Contracting Ltd for repair works to the Levens Viaduct in Cumbria on behalf of Network Rail. Levens Viaduct was built in 1857 and carries the non-electrified line CBC1 over the estuary of the River Leven, between Ulverston and Cark & Cartmel Stations. GPS MACS…
Project Type: Maintenance and Repair

Project Duration: Jul 2024
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Oikos Fuel Transfer Jetty 2 Repairs
Oikos Storage Ltd
Oikos Storage Facility engaged GPS Marine and Civil Services (GPS MACS) to undertake repairs to Jetty 2 following a vessel strike earlier in the year. Jetty 2, which was extended in 2018, is a deep-water fuel transfer jetty with the capacity to accommodate larger vessels, including LR2 tankers, up to 120,000 DWT with a draft…
Project Type: Maintenance and Repair

Project Duration: August 2023 – September 2023
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Fambridge Yacht Haven Pile Replacement
Yacht Havens Group
Fambridge Yacht Haven (FYH) engaged GPS Marine and Civil Services (GPS MACS) to undertake replacement of the piles holding their vessel access pontoons in place across their two marinas at the River Crouch Facility. As part of the scope GPS MACS also replaced both the access gangways to the East and West marina pontoons. Working…
Project Type: Construction

Project Duration: April 2023 – May 2023
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Fambridge Yacht Haven, River Crouch
GPS MACS mobilised  the Boxer Crane Barge and Okato Supply Barge to the River Crouch to begin work replacing the old timber piling within Fambridge Yacht Haven Marina As part of the mobilisation they collected 29 New steel piles, a Vibro and an Air Hammer from Royal London Docks, in preparation for replacing 32 existing…
Project Type: Maintenance and Repair

Project Duration: Project still in progress
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Regents Canal, Camden Rail Bridge Replacement Bridge Support
Story Contracting
GPS Marine and Civil Services (GPS MACS) provided marine support to Story Contracting during the possession and replacement of the Camden rail bridge over Christmas 2022. The scope of work included constructing a solid pontoon deck across the width of the Regents Canal. The barges were fitted with a crash deck to allow the demolition…
Project Type: Construction

Project Duration: December 2022 – January 2023
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London City Island
EcoWorld - Ballymore
The creation of a new Island neighbourhood on one of the best-connected sites in London was once just an ambitious vision. Now, it is a stunning reality. Bridging the business might of neighbouring Canary Wharf and the cultural energy of east London, London City Island is one of the most important waterside projects London has…
Project Type: Construction

Project Duration: Aug 22 – Sept 22
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