Bishopsford Bridge Cofferdam Removal

Land and Water Services


Dec 2021
Coming Soon

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Coming Soon


Marine and Civil Diving Services Ltd have been contracted by Land and Water to provide diving services for removal of the sheet pile cofferdams at Bishopsford Bridge.

  • Dive spread to be set up on the river bank and access shall be via the embankment to the works area
  • LAWS shall have excavated the cofferdams and trimmed the sheet piles down prior to MACS mobilisation
  • Divers to cut sheet piles 200mm below bed level

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Nearshore / Inland Warerways

Inland River


Working at depth of 2m

Health and Safety

No accidents or incidents

Land and Water Services

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Marine and Civil Diving Services Ltd have been contracted by Land and Water to provide diving services for removal of the sheet pile cofferdams at Bishopsford Bridge.

  • Dive spread to be set up on the river bank and access shall be via the embankment to the works area
  • LAWS shall have excavated the cofferdams and trimmed the sheet piles down prior to MACS mobilisation
  • Divers to cut sheet piles 200mm below bed level
No results found.
Nearshore / Inland Warerways

Inland River


Working at depth of 2m

Health and Safety

No accidents or incidents
